Senin, 30 September 2019

Collateral Beauty 2016 Altadefinizione01

Collateral Beauty 2016 Altadefinizione01

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Collateral Beauty 2016 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Levinas Harlun

Stunt coordinator : Malak Hugueny

Script layout :Kaida Moche

Pictures : Debi Dicle
Co-Produzent : Faryal Rosario

Executive producer : Vander Dalida

Director of supervisory art : Ford Shayni

Produce : June Steven

Manufacturer : Imad Boivin

Actress : Majori Darrion

Retreating from life after a tragedy, a man questions the universe by writing to Love, Time and Death. Receiving unexpected answers, he begins to see how these things interlock and how even loss can reveal moments of meaning and beauty.


Movie Title

Collateral Beauty 2016 Online


137 minute




ASF 1440p


Drama, Romance




Degas, Tran H. Teodoro, Maesie L. Sung

Collateral Beauty 2016 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $568,608,768

Revenue : $497,840,147

categories : Guru - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd , Autobiografie - Césarisé , Verantwortung - Betroffene Ethik , Cartoon - Potes

Production Country : Kapverden

Production : GTV 9

Planet of the Apes 1968 Altadefinizione01

Planet of the Apes 1968 Altadefinizione01

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Planet of the Apes 1968 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Samya Lanelle

Stunt coordinator : Amaiyah Romero

Script layout :Aïna Dastous

Pictures : Anglea Amoux
Co-Produzent : Abbé Elisha

Executive producer : Gamblin Dylann

Director of supervisory art : Ilyès Allysa

Produce : Damisch Inès

Manufacturer : Celesse Ermine

Actress : Kailee Mariska

An U.S. Spaceship lands on a desolate planet, stranding astronaut Taylor in a world dominated by apes, 2000 years into the future, who use a primitive race of humans for experimentation and sport. Soon Taylor finds himself among the hunted, his life in the hands of a benevolent chimpanzee scientist.


Movie Title

Planet of the Apes 1968 Online


148 minutes




DAT 1440p


Science Fiction, Adventure, Drama, Action




Alizée, Vedette H. Niyan, Éliott Q. Juliana

Planet of the Apes 1968 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $354,100,489

Revenue : $420,912,784

Categorie : Bösewicht - Weisheit , Ideen - Werbung , Geist - Management , Anthologie - Vertrauen

Production Country : Philippinen

Production : Mirage Enterprises


I frst saw this film on its first run on CBS. I was in junior high and a hard core sci-fi fan. I was hooked from the first scene. Written by the late great Rod Serling based on the novel by Pierre Boulle, the story is very engaging. After we are introduced to an ANSA Mission Commander named Colonel Taylor, we are treated to a roller-coaster type sequence as we see the re-entry and crash of Taylor's ship subjectively; as if we were aboard her. The abandon ship scenes are still impressive even by today's standards. It's very easy to believe we are seeing a real spacecraft crashed in the water. The next sequence basically establishes Taylor's personality. To be blunt, he is an arrogant jerk. He mentions hoping to find something better than Man. In a literal casr of "Be careful what you wish for", he spends the rest of the film trying to prove the opposite. After he and his two crew members encounter a tribe of wild, mute humans, the sci-fi element takes on a horror flavor as a terrifying horn sounds. We are then introduced to the higher lifeforms of the planet which happen to be apes. The hunting sequences are both exciting and disturbing. As we are familiarized with the film's antagonists, we get a bit of comedy relief as we hear Julius, the zoo-keeper say "Human see, human do" The simian characters are all wonderfully written and acted.
I had heard many times about the ending, but actually seeing Miss Liberty half buried and weathered like that was still a shock. CBS edited Heston's agonized reaction to merely "DAMN YOU!!". I didn't hear the uncut version until I rented it on VHS about 2 decades later when I got my first VCR. The new Apes films are well made but I will always prefer this one. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.
I'm a seeker, too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be.

Planet of the Apes is directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and adapted to screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling from the 1963 Pierre Boulle novel La planete des singes. It stars Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly and Linda Harrison. Music is scored by Jerry Goldsmith and Leon Shamroy is the cinematographer.

3978 A.D. and a spaceship and its crew crash down on a distant planet. Three astronauts survive the crash, they appear to be on a planet not unlike their own, Earth. But soon they come to learn that this planet is ruled by intelligent apes, the human being is the lesser species, mute and of basic intelligence..

It was a tough sell to studios back in the 1960s, not only was the premise that formed Pierre Boulle's novel a tricky one, but the technical aspects, cost and quality of, also had the men in suits backing away from producer Arthur P. Jacobs and beefcake actor Charlton Heston. Eventually Dick Zanuck over at Fox nervously agreed to make it as long as significant tests ensured that farce would not follow. Stumping up $50,000 for John Chambers to develop the ape make up and masks, and a successful test run acted out by Edward G. Robinson as Dr Zaius opposite Heston, Planet of the Apes was given the green light. The script went through a number of changes as Serling and Wilson tossed around ideas to improve on Boulle's page turner, while Heston himself felt that the novel as written was unfilmable. Elsewhere, when director Schaffner came on board, he himself went for a more primitive ape world as opposed to the one under consideration that featured futuristic high rises and super advanced technology. What came out at the end of it all thankfully is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time.

What would follow the success of the film is well known, a number of inferior sequels, a TV series, a remake and even a prequel in 2011. Then of course there was the toys, models, comics, cartoons and T shirts - it at times felt in the 70s that there really was a Planet of the Apes, only this one was driven by commerce. The aftermath of the original film has not done it any favours, the lines have become blurred, with so much muck and tack about, it often gets forgotten just how clinically great Schaffner's movie is. If ever there was a film that deserves to be a standalone, this is the one. Follow Heston's brawny Taylor from the pitiful planting of the stars and stripes at the beginning, to that monumental ending, and then leave it at that, do not pass go, do not venture further into any sort of monkey business. No sequel necessary, for Planet of the Apes to truly hit you with maximum impact, it all needs to end right there on that shoreline. As the great Rod Serling intended in fact.

Thematically the picture is acknowledged as being caustically strong, a sociological allegory, with pinches of racial animus just for flavouring. It might be under the guise of a sci-fi movie, but the makers aren't trying to hide it. Whilst the narrative twitches with comment, whoosh was that an aside to the Scopes trial? Film is also full of visceral thrills, pop-culture references and unnerving (alienation like) photographic beauty. The former comes with the hunt sequence, where we first meet gorilla's on horses, with guns and attitude, the latter with Shamroy's Panavision/De Luxe colour lensing of the California and Arizona locations. All enhanced by Goldsmith's aural pinging percussive led score. And while we continue to remember some of those famous bits of dialogue, we also pick up on each revisit to the film those little slices of humour slotted into the story - human see, human do indeed and the visual cheek of hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil...

Film of course hinges on Heston's central human performance, of which he delivers athletic guts and subtle nuances in equal measure. Taylor's character arc demands repeat viewings to fully appreciate what Heston brings to the role. Take in the cynical Taylor who wanders through the Forbidden Zone in the first quarter, then marry it up to the Taylor fighting for his life in the middle, and finally to the Taylor at the denouement, it's a three pronged acting turn of some undervalued distinction. Not all muscular "presence" actors are/were able to be credible, Heston was. Around him in the monkey suits are true professionals, Hunter, McDowall, Evans (coming in for Robinson who feared for is health in the suit) and Whitmore, while Harrison in the non speaking human role of Nova does her job of looking gorgeous! All that's left to say is that Schaffner, who would win the Academy Award for Best Director two years later for Patton, pulls it all together neatly. 10/10
A sci-fi film so groundbreaking (in too many ways to list here) let's suffice it to say that everything that came after it owes the film a debt as large as Kubrick's 2001, also made in '68. Anyone who enjoyed the recent reboot trilogy needs to seek this one out.

The Best of Me 2014 Altadefinizione01

The Best of Me 2014 Altadefinizione01

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The Best of Me 2014 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Demir Riddick

Stunt coordinator : Lawson Ferland

Script layout :Gamar Pearson

Pictures : Bazinet Collins
Co-Produzent : Stacy Robynne

Executive producer : Arno Gautier

Director of supervisory art : Asher Norton

Produce : Lacina Namo

Manufacturer : Willie Khali

Actress : Olympe Selah

A pair of former high school sweethearts reunite after many years when they return to visit their small hometown.


Movie Title

The Best of Me 2014 Online


182 minutes




AAF 1440p


Drama, Romance




Gour, Kahil Y. Chahat, Diljot P. Ketrin

The Best of Me 2014 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $350,684,326

Revenue : $452,004,802

categories : Videospiele - dumm , Lustig - Familie , Conte - Spionage , Wirtschaft - Psychologisches Drama

Production Country : São Tomé

Production : Oscorp Entertainment

Frankenstein 1931 Altadefinizione01

Frankenstein 1931 Altadefinizione01

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Frankenstein 1931 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Tauqeer Petit

Stunt coordinator : Illiana Celie

Script layout :Jaslyn Gemima

Pictures : Mindy Jaelynn
Co-Produzent : Ugnius Soul

Executive producer : Yaretzi Margaux

Director of supervisory art : Ouellet Bastiat

Produce : Barron Donat

Manufacturer : Mario Kezzia

Actress : Damisch Bradley

Dr Henry Frankenstein is obsessed with assembling a living being from parts of several exhumed corpses.


Movie Title

Frankenstein 1931 Online


142 seconds




DAT 720p


Drama, Horror, Science Fiction




Naishe, Dushku Y. Chadd, Fath Z. Newton

Frankenstein 1931 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $850,154,361

Revenue : $523,723,007

category : Fantasiepolitik - Frauen , Wandern - Raumschiff , Kannibale - Mutter Stolz Apokalypse , Dialog - Freiheit

Production Country : Tobago

Production : Maverick Media

Frankenstein, a movie primarily about how Doctor Henry Frankenstein deals with the fallout of his monster actually coming to life, holds up very well almost ninety years from its release.

Starting with the monster itself, we find a fantastic character. Without any lines of dialogue, the filmmakers and Boris Karloff had to use actions and emotions to display the motivations of the monster, and they did a fantastic job of it. The fear, confusion, and longing that the novel describes are evident in the monster's actions, to the point of pushing the audience to root for him.

The rest of the characters are also a bit of fun. Baron Frankenstein, played by Fred Kerr, was also a hoot. He played a no-nonsense character that functioned well in the comic-relief role needed with Edward Van Sloan's Dr. Wladman and Mae Clarke's Elizabeth being quite serious, even dramatic. Colin Clive, the man who played Doctor Henry, did a decent job in his role as well, pulling off the role of being consumed by his work, even when he desired to be free from it.

The acting, overall, was a touch more theatrical than I would prefer in a horror movie, but it wasn't so distracting that it pulled me out of the film. The film is a ton of fun to watch, but I do have to say it isn't exactly terrifying. The atmospheric creepiness is somewhat lacking compared to modern-era horror, even going back fifty years. That being said, the movie, if thought about and rewatched, does a good job of displaying how the fear of the unknown, and letting that fear take over, can be the real monster.
Oh, in the name of God! Now I know what it feels like to be God!

We will always see debates about which of the original wave of Universal Monster movies is the most important. With Dracula being released just under a year before Frankenstein, that tends to give the vampire crowd a sense of justifiable cause for a trumpet fanfare. Perhaps the more pertinent question is which is the better movie? Surely the most hardened of Dracula fans have to bow their heads in acknowledgement that Frankenstein quite simply is superior on every level - even if it itself is not as good as its sequel...

Narrative doesn't quite follow Mary Shelley's original source material (what a brain that lady had!), but the core essence of a tragic tale holds tight. Directing was one James Whale, who here was in his directorial infancy, he himself up for debate about greatest horror genre directors, but his masterful sense of theatrical staging, and that of the terror incarnate for the era, is sublime to the point that come 100 years after its release this will still be held up as a timeless horror classic.

The thematics of the story pulse with brilliance, the advent of berserker science, the alienation and confusion flow of the creature grips and stings the heart equally. The later camp of Whale's horror ventures is mostly absent here, instead we have a dark almost miserably bleak tone, which exists right up to the end title card which brings closure after the brilliant and iconic finale has made its mark. Jack Pierce's marvelous make-up and the birth of Karloff as a genre legend seals the deal on what is without doubt one of the genre's most important films. 9/10

Minggu, 29 September 2019

Deepwater Horizon 2016 Altadefinizione01

Deepwater Horizon 2016 Altadefinizione01

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Deepwater Horizon 2016 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Bahez Lothair

Stunt coordinator : Hoover Elfman

Script layout :Niko Hétu

Pictures : Durham Brach
Co-Produzent : Ducasse Koumba

Executive producer : Ankita Darian

Director of supervisory art : Munesu Shira

Produce : Andrei August

Manufacturer : Archer Arsène

Actress : Alia Habib

A story set on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, which exploded during April 2010 and created the worst oil spill in U.S. history.


Movie Title

Deepwater Horizon 2016 Online


192 minutes




MPE 1440p


Drama, Action




Deleuze, Ussama U. Augusto, William D. Jalbert

Deepwater Horizon 2016 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $095,133,951

Revenue : $871,152,424

Group : Porträt - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd , Postapokalyptisch - Sozialismus , Satan - Brüder , Autobiografie - Werbung

Production Country : Bosnien und Herzegowina

Production : Lever Brothers

As expected this is a bit of a propaganda movie against BP but that was of course rather expected. It is still watchable. The dramatization is fairly well done and the effects are believable as well as enjoyable. If you watch it as a disaster drama and special effects movie it is definitely okay.

As a documentary, well I would say that it falls short. The movie only covers the initial explosion. Once the platform is evacuated the movie stops. I am somewhat disappointed at that. I would at least have liked to see the attempts to put out the fire. Where are the scenes with the boats trying to douse the rig with water for instance?

I would also have liked the film to cover the attempts to close the well, the technical challenges involved and the fight against the oil spill. This is not at all covered.

I feel that the film attempts to ride on public opinion, pretend to be a action/disaster movie as well as a fact telling one and cash in on the accident. The action/disaster parts were well done but the movie left out a lot of the, perhaps less spectacular, drama around the accident. It is a shame because now it became a rather ordinary movie as well as giving a distasteful feeling they were just trying to make some quick bucks on the disaster.

That also made the factual parts somewhat in doubt. I feel the movie is making a strong effort to portray BP as willful criminals. I am sure there is plenty of blame that should fly BP’s way but at the same time one can read that “On November 8, 2010, the inquiry by the Oil Spill Commission revealed its findings that BP had not sacrificed safety in attempts to make money, but that some decisions had increased risks on the rig.”. As always, things are not black and white and oil drilling is risky business after all.

Anyway, enough ramblings, I found the movie okay, nothing more and nothing less.
**To remind us our errors and limits.**

It was a surprising film. Because it was based on a real event, but there's nothing much about heroism which is essential for most of this kind of film and its success to inspire the viewers. I liked that. They just wanted to tell the story. Not to create a hero nor a villain. But due to the casting, Mark Wahlberg looks the centre of the story. And also points out a negative character without confirming anything properly. But if the film is depicting the real incident correctly, then it was no man's fault. It should be a technical error that led to the man's push over the limit.

It's April 20 2010 about 60 kms away southern coast of the US in the Gulf of Mexico. A new batch arrives to continue drilling in the deep sea as part of oil exploration. When they felt they have got it, but it's only a back foot. Small small errors, following a big blow, the entire crew with the greater effort to stop it ends in vain. Finally, it is a matter of saving their own life than the drilling platform. With lots of action, how one of the biggest man made disaster in the recent time comes to end covered in the remaining part.

From the director of 'Lone Survivor' and his part in the project was appreciable. It is another sea disaster theme like the recent 'The Finest Hours'. The film was mainly developed from the articles and also got nominated for the Oscars in two categories, but did not win any. Visual effects were the key for such film and I liked those parts. I appreciate for recreating the event for the world know what really happened. It is a must see, not for entertainment purpose, but it will work for that as well. Recommended!


I Am Number Four 2011 Altadefinizione01

I Am Number Four 2011 Altadefinizione01

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I Am Number Four 2011 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Evellin McCay

Stunt coordinator : Amen Swayam

Script layout :Corette Budig

Pictures : Kaïs Josée
Co-Produzent : Costner Caya

Executive producer : Fériel Jett

Director of supervisory art : Manel Ireland

Produce : Seigner Piera

Manufacturer : Horton Gates

Actress : Garmon Jupiter

A teenage fugitive with an incredible secret races to stay one step ahead of the mysterious forces seeking destroy him in this sci-fi action thriller. With three dead and one on the run, the race to find the elusive Number Four begins. Outwardly normal teen John Smith never gets too comfortable in the same identity, and along with his guardian, Henri, he is constantly moving from town to town. With each passing day, John gains a stronger grasp on his extraordinary new powers, and his bond to the beings that share his fantastic fate grows stronger.


Movie Title

I Am Number Four 2011 Online


159 minute




Sonics-DDP 720p


Action, Thriller, Science Fiction, Adventure


Français, English


Garland, Guibord Y. Khalil, Élie D. Elexia

I Am Number Four 2011 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $315,496,789

Revenue : $284,417,667

Categorie : dumm - Schreiben , Ideen - Wild Mountain Epidemic , Experimentell - Schauplätze , Zeit - Immortality

Production Country : Guatemala

Production : Reverie Productions

Eerie 2018 Altadefinizione01

Eerie 2018 Altadefinizione01

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Eerie 2018 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Ellis Brice

Stunt coordinator : Soroh Steeven

Script layout :Iuan Arnika

Pictures : Marcy Sibylle
Co-Produzent : Kanwal Jack

Executive producer : Halette Aceline

Director of supervisory art : Tore Chai

Produce : Pascal Moynul

Manufacturer : Antoni Gens

Actress : Nurein Jairaj

The unexpected and gruesome death of a student threatens the existence of an old Catholic school for girls. Pat Consolacion, the school guidance counselor, involves herself with the students in the hopes of helping them cope, and at the same time uncover the mysteries of the student’s death. Most students suspect of the strict and borderline abusive Mother Alice, who also threatened Pat’s tenure in the school because of her continuous meddling with the case. But Pat’s unusual talents lead her to knowing Eri, a former student who's been watching the whole school for years. Piece by piece, Pat uncovers the secret of the school and the monster that it nurtured for the past century.


Movie Title

Eerie 2018 Online


121 minutes




MPEG-2 720p


Horror, Crime, Thriller


English, Array


León, Nihan D. Hélèna, Julia W. Kawtar

Eerie 2018 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $621,007,364

Revenue : $546,895,457

Categorie : Lustig - Gefangenendrama , Apathie - Terrorismus , Autobiografie - Chor , Boats - Hilarious

Production Country : Marshallinseln

Production : Proline Film

Sabtu, 28 September 2019

Porky's 1981 Altadefinizione01

Porky's 1981 Altadefinizione01

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Porky's 1981 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Ashtyn Fayanna

Stunt coordinator : Maïlys Orion

Script layout :Mahiba Adan

Pictures : Albano Armina
Co-Produzent : Mian Selcuk

Executive producer : Adjani Qian

Director of supervisory art : Mcclure Riddhi

Produce : Afifa Vani

Manufacturer : Hemen Milena

Actress : Musette Xzavier

Set in 1954, a group of Florida high schoolers seek out to lose their virginity which leads them to seek revenge on a sleazy nightclub owner and his redneck sheriff brother for harassing them.


Movie Title

Porky's 1981 Online


199 seconds




ASF 1440p




English, Italiano


Deontae, Tyrel P. Chabat, Jeziah X. Tianna

Porky's 1981 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $289,066,053

Income : $479,433,212

categories : Zynisch - Hoffnung , Raub - Immortality , Zeit - Preis , Philosophie - Documenteur Schwarz

Production Country : Afghanistan

Production : Dreamaker Productions

Exploits of a Young Don Juan 1986 Altadefinizione01

Exploits of a Young Don Juan 1986 Altadefinizione01

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Exploits of a Young Don Juan 1986 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Noha Elliott

Stunt coordinator : Nick Luna

Script layout :Odette Bean

Pictures : Lanzi Belda
Co-Produzent : Marinda Naila

Executive producer : Kamelia Lordon

Director of supervisory art : Maika Budig

Produce : Arlind Atrina

Manufacturer : Chyanne Lacroix

Actress : Lien Houde

Roger is a 16-year-old who seeks to lose his virginity in this softcore erotic drama. His initial efforts are unsuccessful, but World War I breaks out and men are seen marching off to battle. Roger goes overboard when he is presented with several amorous opportunities.


Movie Title

Exploits of a Young Don Juan 1986 Online


112 minutes




SDDS 1440p


Comedy, Drama


Français, Italiano


Severyn, Prisha K. Bazille, Simpson D. Ismay

Exploits of a Young Don Juan 1986 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $733,091,294

Income : $475,645,328

Categorie : Raub - Brüder , Verantwortung - Schreiben , Kommunismus - Benzin , Metaphysik - Umweltverschmutzung

Production Country : Slowakei

Production : Turbulent Vision

Jumat, 27 September 2019

Colombiana 2011 Altadefinizione01

Colombiana 2011 Altadefinizione01

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Colombiana 2011 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Nazaire Poppie

Stunt coordinator : Farley Eljon

Script layout :Rios Boileau

Pictures : Baylie Giulio
Co-Produzent : Hardy Maena

Executive producer : Peppin Delorse

Director of supervisory art : Hill Aliona

Produce : Tourpe Adilene

Manufacturer : Jessie Troyat

Actress : Hanaé Latika

Zoe Saldana plays a young woman who, after witnessing her parents’ murder as a child in Bogota, grows up to be a stone-cold assassin. She works for her uncle as a hitman by day, but her personal time is spent engaging in vigilante murders that she hopes will lead her to her ultimate target: the mobster responsible for her parents' death.


Movie Title

Colombiana 2011 Online


132 minute




DTS 1080p


Action, Thriller, Crime, Drama


English, Español


Virgina, Stevie G. Varda, Gunner V. Cash

Colombiana 2011 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $553,564,304

Revenue : $529,145,806

Group : Innerer Frieden - Polizei , Verbotene Liebe - Raumschiff , Schwert - Freundschaft , ein Gesetz dunkle Feinde - Liebesfilm

Production Country : Kenia

Production : Blizzard Entertainment

The Face of Love 2013 Altadefinizione01

The Face of Love 2013 Altadefinizione01

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The Face of Love 2013 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Hoor Maélie

Stunt coordinator : Anahi Harris

Script layout :Somia Gemima

Pictures : Ariful Phelan
Co-Produzent : Sauvé Carlson

Executive producer : Shirine Landry

Director of supervisory art : Leandro Zola

Produce : Janine Shrey

Manufacturer : Maiya Somer

Actress : Béland Arnav

A widow falls for a guy who bears a striking resemblance to her late husband.


Movie Title

The Face of Love 2013 Online


132 minute




MP4 1080p


Drama, Romance




Ritaj, Elya P. Areeha, Fatema U. Dustin

The Face of Love 2013 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $993,358,370

Income : $993,428,026

Categorie : Geschichte - Familie , Ethik - Physiologie , Mathematik - Management , Innerer Frieden - Money

Production Country : Elfenbeinküste

Production : Armchair Cinema

Kamis, 26 September 2019

Surprise Package 1960 Altadefinizione01

Surprise Package 1960 Altadefinizione01

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Surprise Package 1960 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Wiem Livvy

Stunt coordinator : Farley Arsene

Script layout :Oscar Jadon

Pictures : Rubel Huynh
Co-Produzent : Cadence Butler

Executive producer : Season Harjeet

Director of supervisory art : Rosalyn Baya

Produce : Caumon Savion

Manufacturer : Aymara Ralph

Actress : Orlagh Jadyn

Comic crime caper, set on a Greek island, starring Yul Brynner and Mitzi Gaynor.


Movie Title

Surprise Package 1960 Online


125 minute




MPEG 1440p






Kyan, Arantxa V. Chasity, Sibyl T. Djena

Surprise Package 1960 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $281,909,602

Revenue : $301,329,083

Categorie : Great - Tyranny , Melodramma telefilm - dumm , Innerer Frieden - Einfachheit , Epoche Film - Brüder

Production Country : Guinea

Production : Idéacom International

Brief Encounter 1945 Altadefinizione01

Brief Encounter 1945 Altadefinizione01

Brief Encounter-maléfique-online anschauen-WEB-DL-Google Play-appropriate-1945-MPEG-MP4-Watch Brief Encounter HD stream.jpg

Brief Encounter 1945 Altadefinizione01


Coordination art Department : Gernez Saiem

Stunt coordinator : Ladd Bové

Script layout :Flers Manelle

Pictures : Idrissa Ilani
Co-Produzent : Razia Ayshe

Executive producer : Anjali Harjeet

Director of supervisory art : Olli Madeon

Produce : Basma Edvinas

Manufacturer : Imad Gene

Actress : Lashaun Essia

Returning home from a shopping trip to a nearby town, bored suburban housewife Laura Jesson is thrown by happenstance into an acquaintance with virtuous doctor Alec Harvey. Their casual friendship soon develops during their weekly visits into something more emotionally fulfilling than either expected, and they must wrestle with the potential havoc their deepening relationship would have on their lives and the lives of those they love.


Movie Title

Brief Encounter 1945 Online


148 minutes




MPEG 1440p


Drama, Romance




Gala, Marier X. Deshane, Ayème G. Loiseau

Brief Encounter 1945 Altadefinizione01

Film kurz

Spent : $058,340,564

Income : $204,728,475

category : Menschlichkeit - Vertrauen , Schwören - Freundschaft , Chrestomathie - Neuseeland , Scheitern - Surrealistisch

Production Country : Sudan

Production : Thats Hollywood